No One Lives Forever 2 Mod: Weapons-06 |
Mod features:
New weapons Jetpack (key binding must be setup) Widescreen display support Angry Kitty v2 Basic Anti cheats (D3D8, weapon, reload, aim and lean hacks) SpyVision on select scopes (grab key = on/off) Combat SpyVision (requires the Jetpack) Step zooming on level 2 scopes New sniper crosshairs Faster zoom in/out time Improved weapon handling when crouching Custom Function chat keys (see keywords.txt for a working example) Custom chat sound keywords/taunts SpyVision edit mode (Shift+F9 = on/off) FPS counter (F9 = on, Esc = off) Screen shot mode (F11 = on/off) 3rd person mode (F12 = on/off when alive) Free cam mode (F12 = on when dead) Score sounds (optional) Chat line sound/music player Spawn a Jetpack cheat (flyboy) Spawn a weapon cheat (shootme + weapon name OR index) Spawn a ammobox cheat (giftbox + ammo name OR index) Private messaging chat Enabled host/scmd cheats: baddaboom, flyboy, shootme, giftbox & rosebud |
RPG-7 | Ammo: PG-7VL Rounds: 1 Type: Rocket-propelled grenade launcher
Replaces the Micromissile Launcher. |
M82A1 | Cartridge: .50 Magazine: 10 Type: Large caliber rifle
An extremely accurate and powerful rifle. With a level 2 scope, SpyVision and deadly accuracy makes this rifle a great choice. How to get: Pick up 2 .308 Sniper Rifles. |
P90 | Cartridge: 5.7x28 Magazine: 50 Type: PDW/SMG
A newer SMG with a high rate of fire. Replaces the Tommygun. |
Micro Uzi | Cartridge: 9mm Magazine: 32 Type: SMG
A small 9mm SMG Pickup a second one and have a blast with dual Micro Uzi`s! Replaces the 9mm Sterling SMG. |
FAMAS F1 | Cartridge: 5.56x45 Magazine: 25 Type: Assault Rifle
Replaces the AK-47. |
Double Barrel Shotgun | Cartridge: 12ga Type: Shotgun
Replaces the Shotgun. |
URA .357 LX | Cartridge: .357 Rounds: 6 Type: .357 revolver
Replaces the .32 Beretta. |
Model M | A true Ninja`s weapon... |
Light Saber | Its a Light saber :P There are 5 to choose from.
Master Jedi Light Saber Sith Light Saber Schwartz Saber Light Saber Hot Light Saber |
Scopes and Silencers | Beretta Scope Beretta Silencer
AK-47 Scope
.308 Sniper Rifle Silencer
SpyVision | On/off = Grab key (default G)
SpyVison enabled scopes: M82A1, .308 Sniper rifle, Utility launcher |
Weapon Upgrades
Pickup 2 "Weapon A`s" get "Weapon B"
Weapon A | Weapon B | Micro Uzi | Dual Micro Uzi`s | URA 357 LX | .32 Beretta | Lightsaber | .32 Beretta | FAMAS F1 | AK-47 | Double Barrel Shotgun | Combat Shotgun | M82A1 Sniper Rifle | .308 Sniper Rifle |
Sound/music player
This is just a very basic sound/music player, it can only play sound files that the game engine can play. Can be useful for testing sound files or playing music. Note: main command syntax changed from ID: to /
Play command example:/play music/nolf1theme.wav | Stop command: |
Private messaging chat [Testing!]
Should allow for private messaging between any 2 players.
Client list command:Command output:/0 [Player] /1 [Player1] /2 [Friend] /3 [Player2] /4 [You]
| Send a message to friend only:/2 hi friend lets kill the n00bs > |
Change log:Weapons-06 Added taunt manager Added Default Weapons menu in host options Added the FAMAS F1 assault rifle (in place of the AK-47) Added the Double Barrel Shotgun (in place of the Shotgun) Added the Model M melee weapon Added FAMAS phos ammo Added multiplayer characters Added basic stats to the score screen Linked FAMAS ammo to AK47`s Linked 357 ammo to Beretta Linked M82A1 ammo to .308 Linked all grenade`s to the Angry Kitty Auto spawning Jetpack`s Added server options to turn off/on Jetpack auto spawning Adjusted Dual Micro Uzi`s, M82A1 & other Melee weapons fire delays Updated Dual Micro Uzi`s fire sound Updated weapon upgrade code Enabled Coop mode for SP missions | Weapons-05 - New stuff Jetpack Widescreen display support (some menu items run off screen)
- Mod stuff Score sounds (optional) SpyVision performance tweaks Combat SpyVision mode, requires the Jetpack Anti cheat updated (Anti Reload-hack added, thank you =NS= Agent-224 for hack info) Modified RPG-7 rocket texture color RPG-7 reload sound Custom Function key chat keys Custom chat sound keywords Chat line sound/music player Added jetpack spawning cheat (flyboy) Added weapon spawning cheat (shootme + weapon name OR index) Added ammobox spawning cheat (giftbox + ammo name OR index) New Beretta HH model with attached silencer Enabled host/scmd cheats: baddaboom, flyboy, shootme, giftbox & rosebud FOV override (Shift+Home) Badword filter (needs to be setup in keywords.txt) SpyVision tweak keys (Shift+F9 = on/off):
7 | Increase SV texture size | Shift + 7 | Decrease SV texture size | 8 | Increase UV scale | Shift + 8 | Decrease UV scale | 9 | SV preformance reset | Shift + 9 | SV default reset | 0 | Change SV color | Shift + 0 | SV filter size |
- Anti cheats reload, aim and lean hacks added
- Fixes Fixed D3D8 anti cheat bug
| Weapons-04: - New stuff Basic Anti cheat, covers D3D8 & PV weapon files 100% redone P90 model and texture 100% redone 357 model and texture
- Mod stuff Faster zoom in/out time New server browser filter: Gametype, cycle thru all game types from one screen, options: This (normal browser), DM, TDM, DD, Coop and All P90: laser sight removed P90: 2x scope added
- Fixes RPG-7: fire delay fixed Schwartz Saber (blue Lightsaber): doesn`t tag anymore | Weapons-03: - New stuff M82A1 with 4x SV scope Beretta 2x Scope Step zooming for 4x scopes Chat sound keywords (hi, brb, ok, etc) New scope crosshairs (color is bound to the 1st person crosshair color) Spy Vision, lift/drop key = on/off (SV scopes only) Weapon upgrade (pickup weapon A, does player have A? |Yes, get B| : |No, Get A| + Micro Uzi > Dual Micro Uzi`s + Katana > .32 Beretta + Sniper rifle > M82A1 rifle
- Returning weapons Silenced Sterling .32 Beretta with silencer and scope
- Modded stuff P90 (PV): Test laser sight Sniper rifle with silencer and 2x SV scope CT180 now with 2x SV scope Jumping about 5 times now clears burning damage (untested with phos) CateGlasses2 attachment; all Cate MP models IsakoGlasses attachment; Isako MP model
- Fixes Fire perturb (was partly broken in Weapons-02) |